Practicing Good Judgment

Practicing Good Judgment
Product Code: Book - 500
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Price: $19.95
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"It seemed like a good idea at the time" is one of my favorite sayings because I have used it more than I would like to admit. Said in another way, "Good judgment is learned through experience and experience is gained from bad judgment." You can re-invent the wheel or choose to learn some lessons from others who have made good and bad choices. Practicing good judgment is a skill that can be developed if you have the right tools.

The best feedback I have received about this book has been from seasoned adventurers and leaders, which have said, "The information in your book made me re-examine the criteria and the process I use when making decisions for myself and the groups I lead. It has given me a whole new approach to my decision-making process."

Included in this book:
- Defining good & poor judgment;
- Identifying you decision-making criteria;
- Detailing the decision-making process (DMP);
- Reviewing the reactive & proactive DMP;
- Practicing your DMP through scenario review;
- What to know before your next adventure;
- Examining Adventure-Risk-Being Safe;
- Considerations for leaders, participants & groups.

As the Director of UCSB's Adventure Programs, for 25 years, I have trained over 1,000 outdoor trip leaders. During that time I developed techniques that helped my staff improve their "Decision-Making Process." I have taken my 40 years of experience, teaching outdoor classes and leading trips domestically and internationally and put it into this book with the goal of helping others make better decisions.

Choose wisely!


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